Friday, 8 February 2008

Evaluating my contribution to, Planning and Pre Production

Individual input for pre production.
In initial brainstorming I said about a person in a mental institute imagining that she was being chased.

Treatment: I added to the original treatment with my own notes.
Script: I typed and produced the final script.
Risk assessment forms: I completed the risk assessment forms for the medical room and the back entrance to the library corridor.
Shooting Schedule: I started the shooting schedule.
Discussion: I came up with the idea of using photographs for telling the background of the story and putting music to it.

Group work:
Shooting schedule
Story board

The very first idea of someone in an insane asylum helped with the final idea. I made a lot of the notes to go with the treatment explaining what we did in each stage this helped me to keep track of what was going on with planning. For the script I basically followed what was on the storyboard and although there wasn’t a lot of dialog to go in there were a lot of stage directions and instructions which I made sure to go in this defiantly made it easier when filming. I made sure that it was all set out properly and followed the script example in our booklet; I printed two copies so that we would both have one. I completed the risk assessment form for the medical room which without we wouldn’t have been able to film because most of the filming was done in this location. I also filled out a risk assessment form for the corridor by the back entrance to the library and although we don’t film much there the bit we did is important. Shooting schedule I made a start and completed most of the shooting schedule on my own, which was helpful because we had something to work to when filming. I think the idea for using photographs in the opening sequence with music was a very good idea and one that I am proud of.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Good Charlotte, This is very detailed. Can you now go onto the production evaluation? Chris